What I've Been Playing: Sept/Oct 2018

What I've Been Playing: Sept/Oct 2018

Gameplay Update - SeptOct18.png

It’s been a busy couple of months - I recently moved across the country, so I haven’t had as much time to play as I would like to. But I did make progress on a lot of different games!  :) 

New Games

  • Octopath Traveler - Switch

Progress Notes

  • Started Octopath Traveler - Switch

  • Started Pokemon HeartGold - DS


I had promised myself that I wouldn’t buy any new games, but I ended up finishing the demo of Octopath Traveler and deciding that I needed to get the game. I’m about 1/3 of the way through the Chapter 2 progressions of each character and I’ve really been enjoying the game. It’s a little repetitive but the battle system is so enjoyable that I find that it’s a great game to play when I need to relax and just zone out. I put about 20 hours in very quickly but now find myself just sort of chipping away at it when the mood strikes. 

I’m steadily making my way through MarioKart 8 as well - I’ve now got three stars on all tracks through 100cc. Working on 150cc currrently!

I have also been trying to make some more progress on the many, many unfinished PS4 games I have, but ran into an issue when my controller’s D-pad stopped functioning. Luckily I was able to get a new on on sale, so when that arrives I’ll be able to spend some more time. In particular I’m looking forward to getting back to my New Game+ of Horizon Zero Dawn, especially now that I have the DLC and the level cap has been raised. I also was able to get a Japanese import of the Super Mario-red Joycons for my second pair, so I can play Mario Kart with more people!

Otherwise, I’ve been working on the post-game for Pokemon Platinum and started a playthrough of Pokemon HeartGold! I’ve been having so much fun with these - I changed the clock/date to mimic the release dates of the actual games and have been gradually distributing event Pokemon to myself on the correct days. It’s been nice to play that way and I’m planning to try to get through all of the Gen IV-VII games before the next big Switch release. 

Coming up in November I’m likely going to have a lot more time to play as we’re finally settled in our new house! I have Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee on preorder and am waiting for a used copy of Super Mario Odyssey to arrive. So I did very poorly on purchasing new games, but I’m excited to start them both!

What I've Been Playing: Nov/Dec 2018

What I've Been Playing: Nov/Dec 2018

First Impressions: Horizon Zero Dawn

First Impressions: Horizon Zero Dawn